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Robert Scott Evans 20376 Alpine Dr. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Home: (513) 549-RSLE resume(at) OBJECTIVE: While not actively looking for new employment, I am always willing to consider positions that provide fun and challenging work environments that utilize and build off of my current systems, networking, and or programming skills. EDUCATION: May 9, 1999 Muskingum University (Muskingum College), New Concord, OH 43762 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with minors in Chemistry & Math June 1995 Southwestern High School, Hanover, IN 47243 Graduated in the top 10% of class with Academic Honors Diploma EXPERIENCE: SEI Communications (SEI Data, Inc) - Internet Service Provider (May 1996 - Present) Network Operations (NOC) Manager & Central Office (CO) Manager + Manage the Network Operations Center (NOC) and it's team of Systems and Network Administrators. + In charge of networking utilizing TDM DS0/DS1/DS3/OC3/OC12/OC192 circuits, fiber, and 10 Mb through 400 Gigabit Ethernet. + Responsible for in-house built Intel based FreeBSD servers running services mentioned below. + Setup and maintain subscriber access for dialup, DSL, Active Ethernet FTTH, GPON FTTH, and XGS FTTH for 15,000+ customers utilizing the hardware mentioned below. + Provide dedicated ethernet/fiber/MPLS connectivity to business customers. + Authored countless scripts for automation of system and network tasks, and web pages in perl, sh, javascript and html. + Redesigned Systems & Network Operation Center to accommodate a SLA for 99% uptime. + Manage the Central Office (CO) and it's CO technicians. Computer & Network Services, Muskingum College (Aug. 1995 - May 1999) Macintosh, UNIX and NT Lab Assistant + Assisted students and faculty with operations and troubleshooting of mentioned PC's Certifications: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) - expired ComTrain Certified in "Tower Climbing Safety & Rescue" Certified ComTrain Instructor for "Tower Climbing Safety & Rescue" Hardware: 3Com/USR Total Control Chassis/MP16's Adtran WAN CSU/DSU's, TA5000, NetVanta Cisco routers, switches, VPN's, firewall's, and dialup Intel x86, Intel 64, Macintosh Routing: Static routing, OSPF, BGP, MPLS Operating Systems: Cisco IOS/IOS-XE/IOS-XR, FreeBSD, Linux, Macintosh, Mac OS X (a BSD flavor), OpenBSD, Solaris, SunOS, VAX/VMS, Microsoft Windows Services: Apache, BIND, DHCP, IPFW, Majordomo, MySQL, NAT, NFS, NIS, Radius, Samba, Sendmail, Squid, TCP/IP Programming Languages: AWK, C++, Expect, HTML, Java, Perl, PHP, SED, SH/CSH/TCSH, SQL INTERESTS: UNIX, Programming, Music, Baseball, Football, Backpacking, Hiking, Camping, and of course Learning.